Due to the extended power failure in the City of Regina, we will be closing a number of our schools.
Parents must pick up their students or give permission to the schools to release them.
Due to the extended power failure in the City of Regina, we will be closing a number of our schools.
Parents must pick up their students or give permission to the schools to release them.
We are excited to share the attached invitation to our upcoming Social Media Awareness and Parenting the Digital World event being held on Wednesday, September 26th at Campus Regina Public, starting at 7:00 p.m. Regina Public Schools is proud to sponsor this event which is being presented by Safer Schools Together.
3100 20th Ave.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 0N8
Email: lakeview@rbe.sk.ca
Phone: (306) 791-8513
Fax: (306) 523-3031