In 2021-22 Lakeview School turns 100 years old.
The School Community is planning a number of activities for current students and alumni.
Fundraising is now underway to fund the year-long celebration, including a
party in the Spring of 2022
Ways you can provide your support include: (read below or clink this link)
• Purchase ‘Pride of the Lions’ Centennial Clothing
A range of products featuring our special “100 Years of Pride“ logo are now
available. Order online by June 23 for July 2021 pick-up.
• Order a Hillberg & Berk Gold Halo Necklace With Custom Lakeview Tag
We have partnered with renowned Regina jewelers Hillberg and Berk to offer
a limited-edition Lakeview necklace. Pre-order by June 23 to ensure Fall
2021 delivery. Makes a great gift for alumni!!
• Make a Donation
To make a donation to support the celebration, please email
lakeviewschoolcentennial@gmail.com to make arrangements.
• Share Copies of Historic Photographs and Documents
We are looking for copies of old photographs and documents related to the school
to create displays and teaching resources for the centennial year and beyond. If you
have items to share, please email lakeviewschoolcentennial@gmail.com
Thank you!
Centennial Committee of the Lakeview School Community Council
Further information about centennial activities will be released in Fall 2021